Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice applies to all processes of the Far Eastern University- Dr. Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation (FEU-NRMF) (the “Foundation”) that involve the personal information of applicants and students. The Foundation values the privacy of its applicants and students and employs reasonable measures to protect your personal information following the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (‘DPA’), its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and related issuances from the National Privacy Commission (‘NPC’). 

As an educational institution, the Foundation must collect your personal data for the purposes stated in this notice. 

This Data Privacy Statement will inform you on how we process and protect your personal information. By ticking the box, you certify that you have read and understood, and agree to, the terms below. 


By applying and/or enrolling in the Foundation, you (the ‘Student or Applicant’) hereby expressly agree, consent, and authorize the Foundation to collect and process the following personal and sensitive personal information:

Personal Details: Name, address, contact details, birthday, age, gender, civil status, nationality, signature, ID picture, birth certificate
Government-Issued Identification: SSS Number, PhilHealth Number, Tax Identification Number, HDMF/PAG-IBIG Number
Educational Background: Schools attended, degree/course, date attended, honors/commendations received, diploma/certificate of graduation, transcript of records/copy of grades
Employment Background: Name of company, address, contact number, job title, dates employed
Health information: Including information about your mental health
References: Name, address, telephone number
•Other information that may be indicated in the Applicant’s résumé, including but not limited to, membership in an organization, affiliation, certification, and licenses.


The Student agrees that the above-mentioned personal information shall be processed for the following purposes: 

1.     Pre-Admission

•    For processing and facilitating the Student’s application and/or enrollment with any of the academic programs of the Foundation and its units 
•    For assessing the Student’s intellectual, psychological, and medical fitness to be enrolled in any of the programs of the Foundation or assessing the Student’s legal fitness to be enrolled in any of the programs of the Foundation, which includes granting the Foundation the authority to procure and obtain, from the proper authorities, an accurate and complete record of the legal proceedings involving the Student 
•    For processing the certifications and other requirements from the relevant government agencies, e.g. the Department of Foreign Affairs (“DFA”), and the Commission on Higher Education (“CHED”) 
•    For processing immigration requirements, if necessary
•    For verifying the existence of disciplinary cases
•    For checking and validating the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the Student or Applicant, which includes granting the Foundation the authority to procure and obtain, from third parties (including previous schools, employers, and character references of the Student or Applicant), an accurate and complete copy of the Student’s or Applicant's academic, professional and health records 

2.     Tenure

•    For the maintenance and storage of the various academic records of the Student during his tenure at the Foundation 
•    For the conduct of Student Council elections
•    For the facilitation of the activities of both the Student Council and the student-run organizations within the Foundation 
•    For the determination of whether or not a Student should be placed on probation 
•    For the facilitation of guidance, counseling, and health needs of the Student 
•    For the release of grades and issuance of certificates under a valid and lawful request 
•    For the processing of requests to change the grades, if necessary 
•    For the proper crediting of grades given by another educational institution 
•    For the completion of the capstone requirements, if necessary 
•    For the processing of discontinuance, withdrawals, leaves of absence, and re-admissions, if necessary 
•    For the enforcement of the security policies being implemented by the Foundation 
•    For the accommodation of the guidance and counseling needs of affected Students, if necessary 
•    For the processing, including handling and disposition, of disciplinary proceedings 
•    For the documentation, including but not limited to the taking of photos, and videos, of school activities 

3.     Scholarship

•    For the processing of scholarship applications and determination of the Student’s fitness for the scholarship applied for 

4.     Graduation

•    For the processing of all requirements needed for the graduation of the Student, including, but not limited to, clearances 
•    For the documentation, including, but not limited to the taking of photos and videos, of the commencement activities of the school 
•    For career assistance programs of the Foundation, including referrals to prospective employers
5.     Post-Graduation

•    For the verification of student records under a lawful request of a verifying individual or organization 
•    For the receipt of communications from the Foundation regarding updates, events, and programs 
•    For the receipt of communications from the Foundation regarding career opportunities 
•    For the maintenance and storage of the various academic records of the Student after his tenure at the Foundation 

6.     Administrative

•    For the preparation of various reports to be transmitted to the Commission and Higher Education, and other administrative agencies in compliance with the law 
•    For the coordination of the different departments within the Foundation 
•    For the management, storage, and retrieval of the student records maintained in the Foundation 
•    For reference of the various units of the Foundation, should such information be necessary for the fulfillment of their lawful and legitimate objectives 
•    To establish, exercise, or defend legal claims


We collect your personal data from any documents or communications that you may have directly submitted to us, from publicly available information, or from third parties. This may include any references that you have provided, such as present and past employers, educational institutions, associations, or family members. 

Once you become an applicant or student of the Foundation, you will inevitably be referred to in many of the Foundation’s documents and records that are produced by you, other students, and the Foundation or members of the faculty in the course of carrying out your duties as a student. Your personal data relevant to your role and status in the Foundation, including your participation in Foundation events and activities, may be made public through different media such as the Foundation’s newsletters, websites, and social media accounts.

The Foundation collects, records, organizes, stores, updates/modifies, retrieves, consults, uses, or consolidates your personal information during enrollment pursuant to the purposes stated above. 

You may inform us of the specific personal data you do not want to be processed beyond the requested purpose. We will respect your request in so far as it is feasible to fulfill the purposes for which the personal data was collected.

Where you have provided us with the personal data of individuals other than yourself, you warrant that you have obtained their consent for the disclosure, per the DPA. 


The Student agrees that the above-mentioned personal information may be disclosed by the Foundation to the following recipients for the following purposes: 

Commission on Higher Education (CHED): For compliance with the reportorial requirements mandated by law

Messenger and/or Courier Service Providers: For the receipt and delivery of documents to various units and/or institutions

Website and/or Social Media Sites: For website or social media posting including but not limited to names, application and/or student number of the successful examinees/applicants eligible for admission and/or enrollment

Partner Educational Institutions: For the promotion and facilitation of joint activities and/or programs undertaken by the Foundation and its partner/s

•  Prospective Employers: For the verification of whether or not the person subject of the inquiry is a graduate of the Foundation; For referral to prospective employers for possible career opportunities

Background Check Service Providers: For the verification of whether or not the person subject of the inquiry is a graduate of the Foundation

Foreign Schools: For the facilitation of the International Student Exchange Program of the Foundation and the proper crediting of the grades granted by the Foreign School.

Third-Party Storage Management Service Provider: For the storage of the Student Folder and all of its contents; For the safe-keeping of the Student Folder and all of its contents; For the organization of the Student Folder and all of its contents

Third-Party Photography and Video Service Providers: For the documentation of school activities, including, but not limited to, the commencement/graduation rites 

The personal information of the Student may be disclosed to third parties, including partner educational institutions and governmental entities like CHED,  the DFA, etc., and third-party service providers for the following purposes: 

•      To carry out lawful business activities;
•      To comply with statutory requirements like reporting to the Insurance Commission 
•      For the processing of medical insurance claims;
•      For claims reinsurance and loss minimization;
•      For digitization and storage;
•      Data collection and analysis;
•      For the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

When the processing of personal information is outsourced by the Foundation to a third party, the processing will be subject to written agreements between the Foundation and the third parties processing the data, in accordance with the requirements of the Data Privacy Act of 2012. These written agreements specify the rights and obligations of each party and will provide that the third party has adequate security measures in place and will only process the personal information of the Student on the specific written instructions of the Foundation. 

The Foundation may also transfer the personal information of the Student to third parties as required by law or legal instrument, to protect the Foundation’s rights or assets, to facilitate the acquisition or disposition of the Foundation’s businesses, and in emergencies where the health or safety of a person is endangered. 

The Foundation will not sell, rent, share, trade, or disclose any personal information of the Student to any other party without the prior written consent of the Student, with the exception of entities within the Foundation and any third-party service providers which the Foundation has engaged whose services necessarily require the processing of the personal information of the Student.


The Applicant or Student agrees that the above-mentioned personal information will be retained or stored for as long as the purposes for which they are being processed have not been satisfied. the Foundation will retain and use your personal information as necessary to comply with its legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce its agreements: 

1)    Hardcopies of the forms the Student has submitted, as well as all records that shall be relevant to your tenure as a student of the Foundation, may be stored in the offices of the Foundation or in an off-site warehouse managed by a third-party service provider. 

2)    Forms and documents that contain the information of the Student will be digitized and stored on the Foundation’s information management system hosted by the Foundation on-site or in the premises of an authorized third-party service provider. 

3)    The Foundation shall ensure, using contractual and other reasonable means, that the Third Party Service Provider implements proper safeguards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the personal data processed, prevent its use for unauthorized purposes, and comply with the requirements of the Data Privacy Act of 2012, its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and other applicable laws for processing of personal data, and other issuances of the National Privacy Commission. 


The Foundation has put in place physical, electronic, and managerial procedures designed to help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data security, and use correctly the Information we collect online. These safeguards vary based on the sensitivity of the Information that we collect and store.


The Student is aware of his/her rights under the Data Privacy Act, including the following: 

You have the following rights under the DPA, which you may exercise at your discretion 

1.    The right to access personal information

Under the DPA, individuals can request access to any of their personal data held by the Foundation, subject to certain restrictions. A request for disclosure of such information is called a subject access request. Any such requests should be addressed to the Data Protection Officer. 

2.    The right to make corrections to personal information

The DPA requires the Foundation to take reasonable steps to ensure that any personal data it processes is accurate and up-to-date. It is your responsibility to inform us of any changes to the personal information that you have supplied to us. 

3.    The right to object to the processing of personal information

You have the right to object to the processing of his/her personal information, including processing for direct marketing, automated processing, or profiling. You shall also be notified and be allowed to withhold consent to the processing in case of changes or any amendment to the information supplied or declared to you in this Data Privacy Statement. Please note that some of the personal data you have provided to us is necessary for us to comply with statutory and regulatory requirements, as well as the Foundation and University’s administrative policies, and is thus mandatorily required to be collected and processed. Withholding of your consent to the processing of certain personal data may prevent you from availing of certain benefits. 

4.    The right to erasure or blocking of personal information

You have the right to suspend, withdraw, or order the blocking, removal, or destruction of your personal information from our filing system. 

5.    The right to be informed of the existence of processing of personal information

You have the right to be informed whether personal information pertaining to you shall be, is being, or have been processed, including the existence of automated decision-making and profiling. 

6.    The right to damages

Upon presentation of a valid decision, the Foundation recognizes your right to be indemnified for any damages sustained due to inaccurate, incomplete, outdated, false, unlawfully obtained, or unauthorized use of personal information, taking into account any violation of your rights and freedoms as a data subject. 

7.    The right to file a complaint before the NPC

If you feel that your personal information has been misused, maliciously disclosed, or improperly disposed, of or that any of your data privacy rights have been violated, you have a right to file a complaint with the NPC.


The Student understands that in case of complaints, concerns, or questions regarding the processing of his/her personal information, he/she may address them to: [email protected]


From time to time, we may update this Privacy Policy. We will notify you about material changes by either sending an email message to the email address you most recently provided to us or by prominently posting a notice on our platform. We encourage you to periodically check back and review this policy so that you always will know what information we collect, how we use it, and with whom we share it. 

This consent and authorization remain valid and subsisting for a limited period consistent with the purposes above or until otherwise revoked or canceled in writing.


                                                                                                                                                   Privacy Notice (version January 2022)